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1988-2004 voluntary of Greenpeace Regensburg as speaker and organizer for forest conservation, ecological forestry and protection of ancient forests. 1997-2004 work for the research project (PhD thesis): In between participation in the mapping of the flora of Bavaria and the Federal Republic of Germany, and in the updating of the list of endangered plant species of Bavaria. Since March 2005: Employee of the “Landesbund für Vogelschutz”, centre for environmental education in Niederbayern (Moos) Since Oct. 2009: Environmental station in Regenstauf, see also www.rainer-wald.de Scientific publications: Breed, M. D., Stierstorfer, Ch., Furness, E. D., Jeral, J. M., Fewell, J. H. 1996: Individual Constancy of Local Search Strategies in the Giant Tropical Ant, Paraponera clavata (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) – Journal of Insect Behavior 9, No. 5: 673–682. Gaisberg, M. v. & Stierstorfer, Ch. 2005: The significance of geological traits for the speciation of endemic angiosperms on El Hierro (Canary Islands). – Phytocoenologia 35: 39–52. Gaisberg, M. v. & Stierstorfer, Ch. 2003: Mapping the phytodiversity of El Hierro (Canary Islands) as a contribution to the conservation of island endemics and to the understanding of their speciation – Libro de Resúmenes, Congreso Internacional de Fitosociolgía, XIX Jornadas de Fitosociología, 16.-19.9.2003 in La Laguna (Tenerife): Biodiversidad y Gestión del Territorio: 88. Horn, K., Jäger, W., Philippi, G., Gaisberg, M. v. & Stierstorfer, Ch. 2004: New records of the Macaronesian endemic fern Asplenium anceps Lowe ex Hooker & Grev. (Aspleniaceae, Pteridophyta) on El Hierro, La Gomera and Tenerife (Canary Islands). – Nowa Hedw., in prep. Otto, R., Gaisberg, M. v., Stierstorfer, Ch, Naranjo, A., Delgado, C. D., Fernández Palacios, J. M. & Arévalo, J. R. 2007: Environmental, historical and geographical factors predicting native and alien species richness in the naturalized flora of El Hierro (Canary Islands). - Poster presented at the “Third Biennial Conference of the International Biogeography Society, Casino de Taoro, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands, 9-13. January 2007. See also abstract. Scheuerer, M., Diewald, W., Stierstorfer, Ch. & Dürhammer, O. 2007: Bestandssituation der arktisch-alpin verbreiteten Gefäßpflanzen in den Hochlagen des Bayerischen Waldes vor dem Hintergrund des Klimawandels. Scholz, H., Stierstorfer, Ch. & Gaisberg, M. v. 2000: Lolium edwardii sp. nova (Gramineae) and its relationship with Schedonorus sect. Plantynia Dumort. – Feddes Repertorium 111 (7-8): 561–565. Stierstorfer, Ch. 1996: Naturnahe Waldgesellschaften im Bayerischen Wald zwischen Schwarzem Regen und Arber-Kaitersbergzug. – Hoppea, Denkschr. Regensb. Bot. Ges. 57: 217–330. Stierstorfer, Ch. 2001: Holcus mollis subsp. hierrensis (Poaceae), a new subspecies of El Hierro (Canary Islands), and some notes on the species. – Feddes Repertorium 112 (1-2): 47–57. Stierstorfer, Ch. 2005: The Vascular Plant Vegetation in the Forest Belt of El Hierro (Canary Isands). – Diss. Bot. 393: 375 pp + 20 plates and 2 tables. Stierstorfer, Ch., M. Gaisberg & R. Otto 2005: Distribution patterns of vascular plants on El Hierro (Canary Islands). – Hoppea, Denkschr. Regensb. Bot. Ges. 66: 285–299. Stierstorfer, Ch. & M. v. Gaisberg 2006: Annotated Checklist and Distribution of the Vascular Plants of El Hierro (Canary Islands). – Englera 27: 1-221. further publications (update will follow soon): Gaggermeier, H.-J. & Stierstorfer, Ch: Wälder zwischen Zellertal und Viechtacher Regensenke, Exkursionsberichte 1996. – Der Bayerische Wald 10: 39. Gaisberg, M. v. & Stierstorfer, Ch. 2001: La fitodiversidad de El Hierro – Medio Ambiente Canarias 22: 3–6. Nerb, W. & Stierstorfer, Ch 2005: Activities of the „Landesbund für Vogelschutz in Bayern e. V.“ (Poster abstract). – Verh. Ges. Ökologie 35: 449. Scheuerer, M., Diewald, W., Dürhammer, O. & Stierstorfer, Ch. 2007: Klimawandel gefährdet Eiszeitrelikte im Bayerischen Wald, Glücksspiralenprojekt des LBV legt Grundstein für “Monitoring”. – Vogelschutz, Magazin für Arten- und Biotopschutz 1/2008: 14–15. Stierstorfer, Ch. 2005: El Hierro, Naturjuwel am Ende der Alten Welt. – Nationalpark 130: 36–41. Stierstorfer, Ch. 2006: Frühlingserwachen im Rainer Wald. – Vogelschutz, Magazin für Arten- und Biotopschutz 1/2006: 10–11. Stierstorfer, Ch. 2006: Der “bayerische Amazonas” in Gefahr. – Nationalpark 132: 4–7. Stierstorfer, Ch. 2007: Wird das blaue Band zerschnitten? – Schöner Bayerischer Wald 175: 12–14. Stierstorfer, Ch. 2007: Der LBV bringt Licht ins Dunkel. – Vogelschutz, Magazin für Arten- und Biotopschutz 2/2007: 14–15. Stierstorfer, Ch. 2007: Die Vielfalt des LBV an einem Tag. – Vogelschutz, Magazin für Arten- und Biotopschutz 3/2007: 21.Stierstorfer, Ch. 2007: Schlau werden im Auenland. – Nationalpark 137: 14–15.
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